Moringa Production

Organic Moringa Oleifera Production and Export

 Moringa is a super food supplement. Pro Agro World has planted moringa organically on a commercial scale. The plant’s dried leaves are marketed for a wide range of health benefits. These benefits are based on the high level of antioxidant activity and chemical composite. Moringa benefits your health in many ways. Moringa is a great source of vitamins, protein, amino acids, beta-carotene, and different types of phenolics. Different parts of moringa contain important minerals: the plant provides a rare and rich combination of uercetin, kaempferol, caffeoylquinic, beta-sitosterol and zeatin. Moringa leaves and seeds are also packed with a broad range of antioxidants to protect your body from premature aging and cancer while boosting the immune system to fight chronic inflammation and disease. Moringa works as circulatory and cardiac stimulant. It contains antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antispasmodic, and antioxidant properties. Morgina is also attributed cholesterol lowering, antihypertensive, antiepileptic, antipyretic, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, antifungal and antibacterial abilities.