Commercial farming

Commercial farming

Commercial farming is more advantageous than subsistence because it benefits both the company and country at large in terms of employment and income generation. The agriculture covers many facets of projects, providing for a wide scope of use.

The kind of farming is purely mechanised with use of tractors and planters which limit waste and  create appropriate plant spaces which lead to maximum yields. Fertilizers are also applied to ensure a healthy and profitable crop.

With the above factors in play, crop failure is drastically eliminated.
Through massive production, the food deficit in the community is reduced and the government also earns revenue through taxation of surplus which is exported and also generates foreign exchange.
Crop rotation is done to ensure maintained fertility of the soil and this makes it obvious for a minimum of  two seasons of production to be cover annually. The above makes the farms operational year in year out!

Crop insurance is also covered through associate insurance companies to make sure losses are covered in cases of unforeseen circumstances. This also lessens chances of collapse of the projects.